
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Baltimore Bike Party Prom Night

What's more fun than a real prom?  This month's prom-themed Baltimore Bike Party!  On the last Friday of every month, Bike Partiers get together for a leisurely and lighthearted group ride through the city, which often sports a theme.  I first encountered the Baltimore Bike Party last October, when I came across hundreds of bicyclists decked out in Halloween costumes, complete with plastic pumpkins for candy collecting. 
The Baltimore Bike Party always sets off from St. Mary's Park in the Seton Hill neighborhood, but the routes differ each month.  With hundreds of participants including families with kids, the ride is an increasingly popular social event, as well as an eye-opener for people who think that there aren't many cyclists in Baltimore.
More prom dresses!
If you look closely, you will see that the guy on the left donned a tuxedo vest for the occasion. 
The tiny and usually quiet neighborhood of Seton Hill, ensconced near the University of Maryland, Baltimore, experiences a big uptick in activity on the last Friday of the month, thanks to the bicyclists.
The Baltimore Bike Party is doing a great job of raising the biking community's visibility in Baltimore.
Good night from Seton Hill!

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